Yeah, I'm biased, but I've got one cute daughter!
Bama deserved that loss to Arkansas today. That's my alma mater, that's my all-time favorite team, but Shula called some stupid plays today (hey, let's keep running it up the middle!). Tiffin, poor kid, had a nightmare of a day, but Christensen should've come in to kick the field goals and extra points late in the game. Horrible, horrible, horrible... When is that coaching staff going to get their heads out of their rears? Shula needs a new offensive coordinator, and he needs to stop calling the plays himself. Look at what Tuberville's done at Auburn witrh his staff. THAT"s how you do it, Shula.
I know I haven't posted too much lately, but this will be my third weekend in a row that I'm heading back to Tuscaloosa. I'm shooting all the Bama games this year, and to be honest, I'm very weary. The guys back at the station don't know, but today is basically my 20th day in a row for work. Monday through Thursday I'm pulling regular reporter duty. Friday is reporting and shooting high school football. This third Saturday in a row takes me back to T-Town (I leave in less than an hour). Sundays, I'm usually driving back from Tuscaloosa, then spending a few hours in the bureau getting highlights edited and interviews narrowed down. The next two weekends, despite them being road games, I'll still be traveling with family and friends. The two weekends after that will be spent right back in Tuscaloosa. If you know me, you know I'm a "home" type of guy. I cherish my days off, and I prefer to spend them in-town and around the house. I'm not catching a Saturday to myself until October 21. If it sounds like I'm complaining, yeah, you're right. I'm pretty frustrated and tired. This week, work wore me out (especially after a 14-hours-straight Friday). It would be nice to not be committed somewhere. I enjoy Tuscaloosa, but I'm tired of seeing Bama just eeking through these no-name games. Yeah, I know. it could be worse.
Pathetic is the only way I can describe what I saw from Alabama's sidelines Saturday. A three-point win over Vandy? No wonder Auburn's going to beat them for the fifth straight time.Something's got to be done about Bama's offense. They badly need a new offensive coordinator. There's no reason a game against Vandy should come down to a field goal.I'm a very proud UA alumnus, but I'm getting tired of seeing that coaching staff put out the "Hey, it's a win" mentality. They have got to learn how to destroy the opponent if they want to get back into the national title hunt.It won't happen this year, and it may not happen with this coaching staff. I like Coach Shula a lot. I've had the chance to talk to him many times, but something has to change on that staff.I'm no Auburn fan (except I do like Tuberville... see Shula reason above), but kudos to them for getting it right. They deserve their ranking and their status. I won't cry or be upset if they nail us again this year because it might be the wake-up call Bama needs.
Well, I'm sleepy. I've also got a long day tomorrow (today). I'm heading back to Tuscaloosa for the first of eight home games.I'm looking forward to them all, but I need my sleep. Roll Tide!