Monday, January 02, 2006

Hi-ho, hi-ho...

Well, I guess I'll do the obligatory holiday update post.

First of all, Christmas was a lot of fun, but there was way too much traveling for my pregnant wife. She became quite sick after five days of travel. She's not allowed to have any more long trips until after our daughter is born.

I did finish painting the nursery. I also got the chair rail and border up. Now, we're just waiting on furniture to arrive. I'll post a couple of before and after pictures later.

I go back to work tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to it. In fact, I'm dreading it. Not for the reasons you might suspect. The reason is simple: Too much work around the house these last 10 days, and I don't feel like I've been on vacation. However, I am glad I didn't have to dwell on story ideas. That's the only part of my job I dislike.

I've watched football all day. Bama was not expected to win the Cotton Bowl, but they did as I mentioned in my last post. The NCAA all-time bowl appearances, bowl wins, and 10-win seasons grew by one more. By the way... Did Auburn show up for the Capital One Bowl? I didn't think so, either. :-) And how about that Notre Dame? Ha! Bama fans tend to hate the Irish if you didn't know.

We're just two months away from our first child! On that happy note, I'll close for the evening. I hope 2006 is awesome for you!


Deals, Steals and Heels said...

i was rooting for your boys brock...even though that last field goal wasn't the prettiest i'd ever seen. wish mine coulda done the same =)

Joshua McKinney said...

Alabama's kicker has saved more than one game this season. Let's hear it for the kicker!

Yeah Kicker!