Well, goodbye 20s. A new kid is in town. His name is 30.July 26, 1976: The day Mom and Dad welcomed this little bundle of joy. Unfortunately, I've turned into a bigger bundle of... Well, insert your own phrase there, and DO NOT leave a comment or anything where I can see it. :-)I thank God that He's given me three complete decades on this planet. I've met so many of my personal goals. I wanted to be married at an early age (Check! Age 22), and I wanted to have a child by the time I hit 30 (Check! 29.5 to be exact). I wanted to be out of college, in a good job and surrounded by people I love and admire (Check, check and check!)I only pray better days are ahead. These last 10,957 have been a blessing, and I won't do the old "some days were better than others" cliche. We all know that to be true.So, how does one celebrate a milestone of this nature? Well, the best part about it is I get to finish off my birthday cake. My sister-in-law Melanie made it for me (Thank you!). It proves my body may get older and in worse shape, but you can't take the youth out of my mind.
Here's to another 30 and many more!
According to StarTrek.com, we now have the first poster for the next movie. As you can see, it's due out in 2008. It's directed by J.J. Abrams, and that's a good thing.Wow... a new Batman AND Star Trek in the same year! Color my geekness happy!
Well, this Saturday morning brought some surprises. I'm barely awake, and I've got two tidbits that have jolted my now wide-open eyes.I've been reading some news from Comic Con (I would love to go one year), and two movie roles have been confirmed. First off... and here comes the happy kid in me... Peter Cullen will be the voice of Optimus Prime in the new live-action Transformers movie due out next year. If you're a child of the '80s as I am, he's Prime's voice in the original cartoon series. Yes!Second, and this one I'm going to have to get used to, Heath Ledger is being cast as the Joker in the first Batman Begins sequel. I'm not a fan of his. I've seen a couple of his movies, and I've not been impressed. However, Chris Nolan did such a fantastic job with Begins, I'll reserve judgment until the next one comes out.Just don't be pulling any Brokeback Batman mess.
Well, my youth is still alive and well even though I hit the big 3-0 next week. I ventured out to EB Games at midnight last night and picked up my copy of NCAA Football '07. It's a beautiful game, and I'm a very tired man today. :-)
It was great to see a new Chappelle's Show tonight. I just wish Dave would come back to it for good. :-/
Our little girl was lying on her stomach today. Amy and I were sitting there watching her, and she looked at us and rolled over onto her back! We were so thrilled!What an awesome moment! It's great to see her slowly develop. Just a few days ago, she discovered her feet. She's constantly holding them now.A great day to say the least. Of course, being our little princess, Alyssa rolled that one time and wouldn't do it again. We put her back on her stomach, and all she did was cry.Too much excitement, I guess. :-)
Wow... The house has been quiet since I came home from work today. Amy and Alyssa are visiting my mom for the night, so it's just me and Chopper.I've been kind of bored, but it's been a relaxing night. I've tried for the longest to catch up on Las Vegas, seasons one and two on DVD. I've almost finished the first season tonight. I've got season three TiVo'd even though I've seen all the episodes. How's that for backwards?I took Chopper for a long walk this evening. He was cooped up on the house all day, so he was happy to get out for about 45 minutes. I was, too.That's all I have for now. I'm pretty content, but I do miss my ladies. :-)
You have got to be kidding me. How about stop being lazy and just learn the words?Push for simpler spelling persistsDo like the rest of us. Go to school, get an education and stop dumbing down the nation.
As you celebrate our nation's birthday today, take some time to remember why we're free. God bless our current military members and veterans.While I'm on the military subject, here's a picture of my buddy Gene McHale and me. This was taken May 1997, about a year before I left the Air Force. We were at Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia around 10:00 p.m. I say that so you'll notice the temperature. :-)

Aw, man... I shouldn't be surprised, though. He's been there a long time.Red Wings Captain Steve Yzerman RetiresThanks for all the great years, Stevie Y. You're the reason I love the Wings.
Sorry for the lack of updates this past week. I've been busy.I'm working on some picture posts right now. I'm scanning some photos of my days in the Air Force. I'm going through my album when I was stationed in United Arab Emirates for a few months. It's a crying shame to see how tan and thin I was back then.Not much else going on. I woke up a few minutes ago, so I'm not entirely alert right now. I guess I'd better hit the caffeine and shower.