Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Could be the end?

I'm seriously considering shutting this blog down. Not because I'm tired of it, but I've decided to start a new one that's hosted on my own server. I will more than likely cross-post to this one, but who knows. There will probably be more content on the new one, though.

If you'd like to head to the new destination (as I sarcastically realize this is a powerhouse and must-read blog anyhow...), check it out below, and update your bookmarks accordingly. :-)

I've still got a lot of customizing to do to it, but I hope you stop by and enjoy!

1 comment:

d$ said...

Hey man... nice to meet you. Dude... I laughed for five solid minutes when I read your comment, perhaps because it was so unexpected. I use the phrase " a jennifer herndon sort of way..." all the time in real life, and though my friends have never met nor seen JH, they know what it means... kinda pretty, but not really, but kinda. I think it was because she sorta dumped on me in high school, so I felt no remorse. I'll have a look see around your blog tomorrow, see what catchs my eye.