Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday night

We're finally home after a long weekend at Mom's place. We went down there to deliver some computer items to make her "technology life" a little better. By the way, thanks for letting us use your truck, Brian!

While there, we also got into and cleaned out her storage shed. I've had stuff in there since middle school, and it was time to finally clean it out. We freed up half the space in there, and we made room for a gun cabinet my grandfather made. It will be making its way to our house in the future.

One of the best treasures we found was an original Nintendo system, and it still works. I love my 360, but it was awesome to sit down last night and play Super Mario Bros. Yes, it will be hooked up to my TV here along with the 360. You've got to have some nostalgia in your life.

We also visited with my grandmother today. She is 90-years-old, and not doing well at all. Unfortunately, we weren't able to stay long, but I hope we can see her again soon. She's the last grandparent between Amy and I, and it's not looking good.

It was a pretty eventful weekend to say the least. We're all tired, so I'll close for now. Sorry for the sporadic updates. Sometimes life just feels like a routine.

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