Thursday, December 22, 2005

And to all, a good night...

Well, it's Thursday morning. We've got a ton of stuff to do before we hit the road this weekend, so I'll close out this ol' blog until next week or next year.

It's been a roller coaster of a year personally. We hit the ultimate low with our miscarriage back in March, and we hit the highest of highs watching and feeling our new baby grow. On a side note, our little girl is due two days after the anniversary of our miscarriage.

It's been a pretty good year at work, too. I've had a lot more positives than negatives. I'm very thankful for that, and I'm grateful for the people I work with. You guys make every day a pleasure.

To all of our friends and family, we love you all. Thank you for being there when we've needed you, and thank you just for being you.

With that said, from my family to yours, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you all of God's blessings and mercies this holiday season.

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