Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday Mornin'

I must say yesterday was a much better day. I wasn't (and am still not) 100% up to par, but I am feeling a lot better. My voice is almost back to normal, and work went very well.

To answer a comment on a recent post, our baby girl is due March 5th. Yep, it's a date that is fast approaching. I got a lot done in the nursery yesterday, and I'm watching the clock countdown to work. I really need to get in there and finish putting painter's tape around the doors and baseboards.

It's hard to concentrate on other things knowing our little girl will be here in less than three months. She and Amy are all I think about most of the time. I'm not scared at the thought of being a dad. I'm more proud than you can ever imagine. I'm just preoccupied knowing I'll soon get to hold a little life in my hands that God has given to us.

Her kicks are a lot stronger now. It's funny seeing Amy's stomach move, and it's incredible to feel those little arms and legs moving around. We're marking off the days with joy.

1 comment:

Deals, Steals and Heels said...

can i just say how excited i am to see the "#1 dad" coffee mug i just know you'll be toting around soon