Sunday, December 04, 2005

Week in Review

Ready for this lengthy recap of last week? :-)

Monday-Wednesday: I don't remember anything extraordinary, so there you go.

Thursday: I went to the station in Columbus early in the day to say "see ya later" to Casey, our assignment manager and 5:30 p.m. anchor.

Friday: Felt like absolute crap. I called in sick because my throat was on fire and closing up. It was also Casey's last day, and some of us made up a montage of well wishes for his new job in Savannah. He's still a Raycom employee, so we'll be able to communicate through our work software to him. Why did I mention him so often in a not-so-long piece? He was the backbone of our newsroom, and he is a great friend. We will all miss him, but he moved for family reasons.

Saturday-Sunday: Still feel miserable, but we went to visit Dad and Mary for the weekend. We enjoyed seeing them. We're home, and we're going to bed. Work comes early in the morning, and so far I don't feel like going. I'll see how I am in the morning. I've worked while sick before, so 99.9% says I'll be there.

I'm going to take some pictures of Amy soon. She's getting bigger in the belly with our little girl! She's very beautiful pregnant. She disagrees, but seeing her like this and knowing it's our child she's carrying makes her glow.

I'm a blessed man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when is the baby due??