Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Amy and I completely avoided Trick or Treaters Monday night. We opted to go out with a couple of friends instead. We ate out at Applebee's and then hit the theater.

We saw Dreamer. You know, it really wasn't a bad movie. Usually, I'm not up for those types of flicks, but I really enjoyed it. I recommend it if you want a clean movie you can take a kid to. A couple of "everyday" swear words, but not bad. Thumbs up!

Our weenie boy, Chopper, decided to play around one of our pine trees with poison oak on it. Needless to say, he passed it along to us. We both have spots that are driving us crazy on our arms and legs. Thanks, boy.

On top of that, my back has been in a lot of pain these last two days. I stood up Monday night to turn off the T.V., and my back just froze on me. I couldn't move or breathe until Amy came and started rubbing it. I'm not having pain in my lower back, but right below my shoulder blades in the middle. It's a little better tonight, but the morning is quickly coming.

I guess I'll close it down for the night. I hope all is well in your world! The ol' TiVo is calling before I hit the hay. G'night!


Richard said...

Drink plenty of water. Good for those joints, I'm told.

So what's the difference between "Dreamer" and "Seabiscuit?" From what I've seen, they look quite similar.

Brock said...

I was thinking the same thing about "Dreamer." The stories are quite similar, and I liked them both. Now that I think of it, I really need to see "Seabiscuit" again.

I guess the major difference is the little girl doesn't race the horse like ol' Toby does.