Sunday, November 27, 2005

Raindrops keep falling...

It's a dreary Sunday night here in East Alabama, but it was a good holiday weekend all around.

We spent Thanksgiving morning until Friday afternoon with Mom. She had a big ol' dinner that lasted us three good meals. I hereby declare turkey to be off my craving list for another year.

We left for Niceville, FL, Friday afternoon to be with Amy's side of the family. We ate at this little hole-in-the-wall seafood place, but it was awesome! We stayed the night at the Holiday Inn Express (no, I don't have one of those "smart because I stayed there" moments to share), and we went to Uncle Bob's Saturday morning.

We haven't seen them in a couple of years, so it was good to get down there again. We left Saturday afternoon, stopped by Mom's again to eat, visit and pick up our dog. Then, it was back on the road heading home.

I always go to church on Sunday morning, but I was completely whipped by this trip. I slept in and Amy went without me. She came home and was completely fine, so I proceeded to move some stuff out of my former office so I can turn it into the nursery.

Around 5:30 this afternoon, Amy started crying. Not one of those emotional pregnancy cries, but "I'm in pain" cries. She apparently stepped off the curb awkwardly at church, and her ankle started hurting after a five-hour delay. She was in a lot of pain and couldn't walk, so I took her to the hospital.

How long did we wait? Can you say, "Over four hours?" I knew you could. The doctor gave her some pain medicine that won't affect the baby, a foot brace and a pair of crutches. She should only need them for a couple of days due to a light sprain.

Anyhow, that was our weekend. I had planned to start painting the nursery today, but I was only able to get the computer desk moved and set back up. Work comes early, and I really wish it didn't. Good night!

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