Sunday, December 18, 2005

Ugh... Monday's coming.

This weekend, I finally applied the second coat of paint for the nursery. I just have to touch up the edges and corners, and I'm done. I also finished stripping the wallpaper down from our main bathroom.

I'm glad it's finally Christmas. Only one more week to go. I'm in desperate need of having next week off.

I never mention negative things (at least I try not to), but I'm not happy Monday through Friday right now. Read into that what you will, but things have been different for the last two or so weeks. It seems I'm only happy on the weekends.

I'm not going to say that anyone in general is the cause of my dissatisfaction. I would put it squarely on my shoulders. Plus, there's not one single factor. I can tell you exactly what's eating at me, and it's several things related to those five days of the week.

I'm just Burned out. Yep, that's with a capital "B."


Nixie The Nazi said...

I'll send you a cookie! bwahahah! j/k You know i've been there I know where you're coming from. Just remember you get next week off!

Joshua McKinney said...

Time to make a tape and move on to the big city of Birmingham... Merry Christmas, now finish the nursery.